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Protection of Children

While we reach out to the helpless, the oppressed, the marginalized and the excluded, we are aware of their sensitive and fragile situations, especially those under the age of 18, and protecting their privacy is our top priority.

Child Protection Policy

1. Purpose

Vicdan Vakfı recognizes the protection and welfare of children as a fundamental priority. This policy provides a framework to ensure the protection of children and prevent all forms of abuse against them in all the foundation's activities.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all employees, volunteers, partners, and all other relevant parties of Vicdan Vakfı.

3. Key Principles

  • Best Interests of the Child: All decisions and activities are conducted with the best interests of the child in mind.

  • Zero Tolerance: A zero-tolerance policy towards child abuse is implemented.

  • Participation and Respect: Children's opinions, rights, and freedoms are handled with respect, and their participation is encouraged.

  • Confidentiality and Protection: The privacy and confidentiality of children are protected.

4. Responsibilities

  • Education and Awareness: Foundation employees and volunteers are regularly trained on child protection policies and procedures.

  • Reporting Obligation: Anyone with suspicion or knowledge of child abuse must immediately report it to the authorities and foundation management.

  • Risk Assessment: All foundation activities are regularly assessed from the perspective of child protection.

5. Implementation and Monitoring

  • Policy Implementation: All foundation activities are conducted in accordance with this policy.

  • Audit and Evaluation: Child protection practices are regularly audited and evaluated.

  • Complaint Mechanism: Complaints from children or their representatives are taken seriously and addressed promptly.

6. Procedures

  • Education and Awareness Programs: Regular education and awareness programs on child protection are organized.

  • Safe Environment: All environments where children participate in foundation activities are arranged to be safe and supportive.

  • Reporting and Response Procedures: Clear and effective reporting and response procedures are established for suspicions or incidents of child abuse.

  • Recruitment and Assignment: The recruitment and assignment processes for employees and volunteers are conducted in accordance with the child protection policy.

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