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CONSCIENCE Academy Begins!



As CONSCIENCE FOUNDATION; We are starting the online CONSCIENCE Academy!

Our aims at the academy are:

  • To focus on the importance of the concept of conscience in Civil Society Studies and to expand its sphere of influence.

  • To evaluate activities and actions in politics and spheres of influence on the basis of conscience.

For these purposes, the Online Academy, which will start on Wednesday, March 6, will end on Sunday, June 2. During this period, various academics, activists and people from various fields of expertise will give lectures. Participants who complete these courses will be given a certificate of participation.

Who Can Participate?

Anyone between the ages of 18-35 who is interested in politics, human rights and civil society can apply to the Academy. People under 18 or over 35 can also apply. However, it should only be known that priority in the selection will be given to candidates between the ages of 18-35.

What are the selection criteria?
  • Regional distribution (participation from different regions is prioritized)

  • gender balance

  • Priority age range (18-35)

  • Resume

  • Application form

What lessons will be taught?

(The order of the courses is not certain, their locations may change.)

  1. Lesson: Social Peace from a Conscientious Foundation Based on Human Rights

  2. Lesson: Civil Society

  3. Lesson: A Civil Democratic Libertarian Constitution

  4. Lesson: Turkey's Foreign Policy from Past to Present

  5. Lesson: Correct Developments in the Middle East

  6. Lesson: Immigrant, Asylum Seeker and Refugee Rights

  7. Lesson: What Do the Concepts of Democracy and Freedom Mean?

  8. Lesson: Educational Policies

  9. Lesson: The Right to a Livable, Sustainable Environment and Environmental Policies

  10. Lesson: Turkey's Voter Trends: Right and Left Base

  11. Lesson: Right to the City

  12. Lesson: Trade Union Movements and Union Life

  13. Lesson: Democracy in SoE, SoE Regime

  14. Course: Human Rights Law

  15. Lesson: Women's Movement in Turkey with World Examples: Past, Present and Future

  16. Lesson: Foundations of Turkey's Economic Development

  17. Lesson: Local Governments in the 21st Century

  18. Lesson: Turkey's Youth Policy

  19. Lesson: Media Literacy

  20. Lesson: History of the Republic Mainstream Social Movements

How to Apply?

You must fill out the application form and send it by adding your CVs using the add file option in the form by Friday, March 1st at 16.00.

Is it paid?

No, the academy does not charge any fee to the participants.

Where will the training take place?

Trainings will be held every Wednesday and Saturday at 19.00 via Google Meet group, where only those who are determined as participants will be present. Lessons; The presentation will be 30-40 minutes, followed by 20-30 minutes of questions and answers.

For all your questions, you can send an e-mail to !



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