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Conscience in the Construction of Man -1

Writer: Haşim EfeHaşim Efe

Note: This article was previously publishedon KürsüTV .

Although the title of the article was put as “human first” and as a natural connotation of this title, it was given the impression that an approach that would emphasize humans would be taken up by making an evaluation between humans and other beings, in this article we will also address the issue of conscience, which is what makes humans human and perhaps the most important quality of human humanity. Therefore, we opened a subtitle under the title and said “Conscience in the Construction of Human Being”. In our next article, we will continue to write as the building block of society, the most precious of the universe of being, simply saying “human first”.

There are two blessings that most people do not appreciate. Physical health and peace of mind. (Prophet Muhammad)

There may be hundreds of nationalities, languages, religions, sects in the world. But there are only two kinds of people. “Those with a conscience and those without.” Farid Farjad.

"Calculation" makes a person a position holder, but "Conscience" serves a more important purpose; It makes a person human. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

“..but conscience asks the question “Is it fair?” Martin Luther King.

Do not think that every mold is human inside, that what makes a person different is the compassion and conscience within him.

Conscience is like a compass, if you follow it you will find the right path.

“..And if one day you are stuck between your mind and your conscience, choose your conscience, your mind protects your interests, your conscience protects your humanity”

In our daily lives, we will try to understand what the concept of conscience is like, which is the source of behaviors we do not like, with expressions such as “my conscience did not allow it, my conscience is not clear” and with accusatory descriptions such as “bad conscience, no conscience left, heartless”. There are undoubtedly disciplines of science and faith that explain the nature of these concepts very well. We will also benefit from these disciplines and our personal experiences and understanding while examining the subject.

After conscience takes shape in the inner world of a person, it becomes the most important dynamic of human behavior. If this behavior emerges with the meaningful and harmonious unity of mechanisms such as guidance, will, reason and emotion, conscience ideally manifests itself. In the opposite case, that is, if a solid unity of guidance, will, reason and emotion cannot be established, a good conscience often cannot emerge or this behavior manifests itself as "unconscionability".

In order to better understand the functioning of conscience, let us examine more closely the functioning of the guidance, will, reason, feeling/emotion functions that we refer to as the “meaningful unity of the four.”

GUIDANCE; First of all, the human will needs a guidance that will show it the direction. In order for the will to be able to act in a way that will benefit man and the universe, it needs solid truths and information, universal values and moral standards. In religious terminology, we can briefly express it as needing the guidance of the Quran.

WILL; It is the quality of doing or not doing something. This quality can be in the form of abstract actions such as imagination, thought and learning or in the form of actions related to the material world such as doing a job or changing the shape of an object. In religious terminology, it can be expressed as not deviating from the guidance of the Quran and living every moment of life with the aim of being a servant that Allah will be pleased with.

REASON/MIND/THOUGHTS; The mind, while benefiting from the experiences of life, has to do research in the realm of existence, to turn to more research as it does, to make sense of the place of man in the realm of existence, and to use the will in a way that is compatible with the balances of existence within this meaning. In religious terminology, knowing Allah means seeking Allah's will under the guidance of the laws that Allah has set in the realm of existence. It is to stay away from things that are not in accordance with Allah's will.

FEELING/EMOTION/LOVING; Will, together with reason/thought, is the acceleration of the mind and will cycle with the motivation of finding satisfaction in the cycle of feeling/emotion and desire as it reaches new secrets and pending information within the cycle of learning the functioning of the universe and applying it to life. As you discover the secrets in the universe, understanding the infinite power more, knowing this power, admiring this power, falling in love with Him. Love of God.


It is the state in which a person, motivated by the cycle of will, reason and emotion, tends to examine the world of existence more, discovers different secrets of the universe as he examines, finds motivation to work the cycle in question more as he discovers, and becomes the recipient of new blessings from Allah.

SELF; Conscience emerges with the harmonious unity of the guiding will, intellect, feeling and desire functions. In order for the conscience to perform the most beautiful function expected of it, it must receive support from the self that is purified from evil. In fact, the conscience and the self are two separate functions that mutually affect each other. If the bad feelings in the self are not kept under control by the conscience mechanism, such an uncontrolled/unclean self will also prevent the conscience from functioning properly.

Self-Discipline; It is the process of cleansing the self from 19 evils and purifying it from bad behaviors, making it pure, innocent and mature. These evils can be multiplied, their priorities can change, what is important is the need for the self to be disciplined and the person's desire for it. This cleansing process is carried out in 7 stages. When the person's self-discipline is completed, instead of these, he/she gains the 19 characteristics of the soul.

Pious/Good Person

As a result of the meaningful unity of a cleansed soul and the conscience that emerges with the will, intellect, feelings/emotions, working together, a good/piety person emerges. Piety is the believer's taking refuge in Allah's justice, meticulously staying away from bad behaviors that will cause him pain in the hereafter, and embracing good/righteous deeds.

Above, the actions that a person must take in his inner world in order to emerge as a conscientious and pious person were briefly mentioned. We see these people, that is, those who can perform these inner cycle actions healthily, as reasonable, balanced, respectful, compassionate, just, on the side of peace, almost rhythmically compatible with the general order that operates in the universe, in short, as people with a conscience.

An ideal and functional public conscience can only be formed in societies consisting of such people. In this sense, with a public conscience, first and foremost, administrators can be prevented from making mistakes. Possible discord and corruption that may arise in the state and society, and all kinds of evil that have arisen and may arise, can be overcome.



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