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Understanding Addiction: Our New "Coffee Break Psychology Chats" Video is Out!


As Vicdan Foundation, we are happy to meet you with a new episode of our "Coffee Break Psychology Talks" series. In this episode, we have an in-depth conversation on addiction with Pedagogue and Family Counselor Ali DolgunYürek. We share information that will guide families and individuals to understand addiction and prevent it.

Addiction is one of the most common problems of our age and can affect the lives of many of us in some way. New addictions such as technology, games, and social media, especially seen in young people and families, bring with them many social and individual problems. Ali DolgunYürek explains the causes of addiction and ways to cope with it with very striking examples, both from his own experiences and from a professional perspective.

“What is Addiction and How to Understand It?” Although there are many definitions of addiction, Ali DolgunYürek defines addiction as the psychological or mental dependence of an individual on any substance or behavior. In our conversation, we emphasize how critical it is to understand the effects of addiction and to be able to recognize it.

Our guest pedagogue draws attention to the fact that addiction has serious effects not only on the individual but also on the family and social environment. He particularly emphasizes the importance of family support and creating the right awareness in coping with addiction.

“Ways to Cope with Addiction and Recover” In the following sections of our conversation, we talk about ways to recover from addiction and what steps to take in this process. While explaining how addiction can negatively affect daily life and career, we discuss what can be done to avoid falling victim to addiction.

In this episode of Coffee Break Psychology Chats, we talk about how spending too much time on social media, gaming habits, and even seemingly innocent coffeehouse habits can affect an individual's future.

The connection between psychology and conscience also forms the basis of these conversations. While psychology helps individuals understand their emotions, thoughts and behaviors, conscience enables these internal processes to be evaluated on a moral basis. In our psychology conversations, we discuss how we can establish our own inner balance under the guidance of conscience and how we can fulfill our social responsibilities. While the power of conscience strengthens the individual's inner guidance and responsibility towards society, psychology is a tool that allows us to understand and direct this process.



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